whomod is in for a rude awakening when Glorious Leader Obama and his feminazi supporters suspend the constitution for accused wife beaters and make it a federal hate crime.

Seriously. I remember debating some "Womyn's Studies" Cornell Professor nearly fifteen years ago, who was advocating that rape suspects be denied constitutional rights "because of the nature of the crime and the lack of power of the victim." She and her supporters believed that rape defendants shouldn't have the same right to cross examine witnesses and the same right to the statute of limitations as other types of criminals.

Those of the type of people that Obama and Pelosi represent. If there is an Obama Presidency and a filibuster proof Democrat majority expect all sorts of "crimes" to be invented and all sorts of rights to be subrogated to advance a political agenda. Also expect the same people who brayed about the rights of foreign terrorists to be remarkably silent about the rights of American citizens.

(And note: I'm not saying that rapists or wife beaters shouldn't be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. I'm simply saying that we can't start taking away the rights of criminal suspects-as opposed to enemy combatants- simply because it advances a political agenda).