Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
a man gets tortured defending this great nation and you mock him. it shows your character, and the character of the candidate you support.

He got "tortured"?

But I thought the types of things done to McCain, the Bush Administration and even you guys on occasion referred to as nothing worse than fraternity pranks.

Shows how relative you think "torture" and the rule of law is.

I also seem to recall that GOP hero and now informal McCain advisor Karl Rove once accused McCain of treason for what he did in that prison. With allegations of spilling secrets then using Ted Sampley of swiftboat fame as a surrogate to infer that McCain was (like Obama now) a "Manchurian Candidate". He accused McCain of being a weak-minded coward who had escaped death by collaborating with the enemy. Sampley claimed that McCain had first been compromised by the Vietnamese, then recruited by the Soviets.”

It certainly sounded a bit more substantive than G-Man's blog post about Obama. Especially since I seem to recall almost the entirety of the right wing and the Republicans swearing by Sampley's accusations against John Kerry. Including some of the dimwits here on these boards. So based on that trust and legitimacy given to Ted Sampley by Republicans, it sure sounds like someone that the right wing Republicans heed and trust to not be wrong on stuff.

You go to bed with snakes and ultimately you're the one that's gonna get bit.