Originally Posted By: the G-man
It certainly sounded a bit more substantive than G-Man's blog post about Obama

You mean, the one where I said (paraphrase) "this is rumor on a blog so take it for what it is worth"?

That's a bit different than you and YouTube videos and wild accusations that you expect us to treat as fact.

McCain accidentally said "prisoners". Obama accidentally said "my Muslim faith."

By your reckoning, then, Glorious Leader outed himself as a closet Jihadist.

It wasn't an accusation, it was what it was. McCain calling people "prisoners" and a vet wondering if it was PTSD or dementia, or both.

No one asserted conclusively what it was. but it was there for people to draw their own conclusions. Just like the Obama "my Muslim faith" video. which judging from the non response after it occurred, people clearly understood that he was referring to McCain not accusing him of being one.

I wouldn't get all hot about this G-Man. This slip-up will probably disappear as well. Unless it doesn't, of course. ;\)