Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: the G-man
It's scary that, in less than thirty days, there's even a possibility that guy who pals around with terrorists and corrupt foreign leaders might be elected President and the center-left press is less concerned about investigating that than it is attacking and questioning anyone who tries to have a discussion about the issue.

 Originally Posted By: whomod

Have you proven it.

As noted above, every time someone tries to even discuss the issue, the center-left press shuts it down like some sort of Soviet purge.

It should be noted however, the following facts cannot be reasonably disputed:
  • William Ayers and his wife were terrorists.

    Ayers group, the Weathermen, bombed and killed people. They even attacked a nine year old kid's family.

    William Ayers has indicated his continued support for his past actions.

    Ayers and Obama have a long history of, not just knowing each other, but working closely together.

    Obama began his political career in Ayers' home.

    Ayers' wife and Michelle Obama also worked together.

    Obama's denials/minimalizations of his associations with Ayers have been found to be less than candid.

You can try and draw parallels but, so far, none of your efforts at "guilt by association" directed at the McCain come close to the ties between the Obama family and the Ayers family.

But see, that's your biased opinion talking. i realize you guys are DESPERATE to stop McCain's slide but as I said, this issue was raised by Hillary Clinton and looked into by the media. In fact the NY Times article repeated that fact. They found specious evidence of this being anything but an acquaintance.

Yeah, you can rail against the media's "liberalism" all you want and more power to you. To believe that then you'd have to believe that the media has been in Obama's pocket all along even when he was an underdog and Hillary was the supposed favorite.

Is it possible to cling to one conspiracy too many? You see deep connections because you want to see deep connections. and raising the issue over and over again isn't going to change the fact that the media saw no there, there when they first looked into it and when they look into it again every time McCain tries to elevate the subject.

Now based on the fact that the DOW pretty much crashed and burned yet again and everyone including you and I are losing their shirts as far as retirement savings go (thanks to tying retirement to the stock market BTW thanks guys!), do you really think most people (besides rabid partisans like you and Sean Hannity that is) really give a fuck about the 1960's and the old stale culture wars you guys still want to fight?

I concede, they've worked as a distraction for you guys many times but this time, it's different. Theres some real serious shit that is affecting EVERYONE right now and William Ayers or the Weather Underground has NOTHING to do with it.