The AUD was rogering the bleeding crap out of every other currency under the sun until the Reserve Bank of Australia dropped interest rates and big money investors ran for higher yielding currences and it went limper than Son of Mxy after a heavy night of anime porn.

During this glory time of three months I bought some stuff:

1. the three ultimate Sandman hardcovers. Nice. Damn things are huge.

2. limited edition Rocketeer hardcover. bsams was right - bit boring, but ok. Nice art, with some surprising cheesecake.

3. Lost Girls hardcover by Alan Moore. Haven't read it yet.

4. Dirty, the 12th tpb of 100 Bullets. Excellent. Throughly fucking brutal. I hope that scarfaced mother fucker Minuteman gets the living shit knocked out of him, but so far only the good guys are gtting killed. Spoilers. And nice karma by Lono's rape victim, years later.

Pimping my site, again.