FBI investigating after Obama effigy is hung from tree at campus of Christian university

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 2:00 AM on 02nd October 2008

The FBI is investigating after four students confessed to hanging an effigy of Barack Obama from a tree on the campus of their Christian university.

The life-sized effigy was found by a university employee at about 7am on September 23. It was immediately removed, and the university said it believed just two students saw it.

George Fox University broke the news to students and staff Tuesday afternoon at an all-campus meeting. About 1,000 people attended, said Rob Felton, a university spokesman.
Enlarge Barack Obama arrives at a rally at the University of Nevada. Four students confessed to hanging a life-sized effigy of Obama at the George Fox University

Barack Obama arrives at a rally at the University of Nevada. Four students confessed to hanging a life-sized effigy of Obama at the George Fox University

A statement from the school said the penalties against the four students were "immediate long-term suspension and public service."

The school cited federal privacy rules in not disclosing more about the students or their punishment.

The FBI is investigating whether any civil rights were violated.

"A criminal investigation is much more rigorous than an academic one, obviously," said Beth Anne Steele, an FBI spokeswoman.

She couldn't say when the investigation would be complete.
George Fox University

Symbols of racism: Four students at this university have confessed to hanging an effigy of Barack Obama

Felton said the university's own investigation led to the four students. "To the best of our knowledge these are the only people involved," he said. "We're not pursuing it any further."

The commercially produced cardboard cutout of Obama was hung from a tree last week with fishing line around the neck.

A message taped to the cutout read, "Act Six reject." That refers to a scholarship and leadership program for minority and low-income student leaders at Christian colleges primarily located in the Northwest.

Felton wouldn't comment on the students' motive. Instead he cited a statement from Brad Lau, the university's vice president of student life.

"Regardless of the students' intent, the image of a black man hung from a tree is one of the most hurtful symbols of racism in American history," Lau said in the statement.

"Displays such as this have no place on a campus that is dedicated to living out the teachings of Jesus."

University president Robin Baker echoed that sentiment in the address to students and staff.

“We will not tolerate such displays and condemn it in the strongest terms,” he said. “George Fox University is committed to becoming a place that more broadly represents the Kingdom of God – a place where students from diverse backgrounds come together to live out the teachings of Jesus in our world."