Here's McCain trying to tame the flames He earlier fanned:

Yesterday, McCain was forced to tell his own supporters to STFU after a week of inciting them to yell death threats about Barack Obama. I wonder if the Secret Service had a little talk with McCain, and perhaps that's why he's suddenly so down on assassination talk. I wouldn't be surprised. Something happened. And McCain clearly isn't happy about it.

Don't get me wrong, McCain couldn't care less if his supporters are urging that Obama be killed - remember, just yesterday the McCain campaign put out two - TWO - statements defending the assassination talk. (And McCain's Obama-isn't-like-you-and-me commercials are still running, and still inciting racial and ethnic hatred.) McCain looks like a beaten man, especially when he says that you don't have to be scared of Obama as president of the United States. That sounded to me like a Freudian concession speech.

here's more of this hate that McCain has created at his campaign events.