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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Coming on the heels of John McCain whipping up a crowd of supporters who called Obama a "terrorist," and Sarah Palin getting her audience to yell "Kill him!" (apparently about Obama), we now find out that Sarah Palin's mob of supporters yesterday turned on a black journalist and yelled "racial epithets" at him while telling him to "sit down, boy."

From the Washington Post:

Worse, Palin's routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric's questions for her "less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media." At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, "Sit down, boy."

Need any more proof of the divisiveness and elitism that John McCain and Sarah Palin are bringing to our country? Imagine, whipping up a crowd to hate "the other." Any surprise that Palin and McCain have so many ties to anti-Semites?

This is really starting to turn into the daily GOP 2 minutes of hate. This is exactly why the gOP must not win. This party has degenerated to a mob of crazed extremists.

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C'Mon, Mcain/Palin. Whip up your supporters into a crazed racist, fearful frenzy!!!

Man shot three times in street by racist gunman - for wearing Barack Obama T-shirt

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 6:01 PM on 07th October 2008

A man told today how he was shot three times in a London street for wearing a Barack Obama T-shirt.

Dube Egwuatu was buying a mobile telephone top-up card in an off-licence when the gunman confronted him and glared at the top, which carries an image of the Democrat US presidential candidate underneath the legend 'Believe'.

The man then launched into a tirade of racist slurs, shouting 'I f***ing hate n*****s' and urging 36-year-old Mr Egwuatu to leave the shop with him.
Dube Egwuato was racially attacked

Respect: Dube Egwuatu wearing the Obama T-shirt that provoked a racist attack

The man then left the shop but when Mr Egwuatu re-emerged, the attacker was waiting for him in broad daylight with a threatening-looking dog and holding a gun behind his back.

Realising what had sparked the increasingly violent assault, the terrified Mr Egwuatu zipped up his jacket to cover the image of Mr Obama and walked to his car.

But the shaven-headed man, who was white, followed Mr Egwuatu and after pulling open the passenger door pointed the gun at him.

After pleading with the man to leave him alone, the married former street warden put the keys in the ignition and turned the engine on.

The attacker then fired the gas-powered ball-bearing pistol three times, hitting the civil servant in the face, hand and shoulder.

Fearing for his life and bleeding heavily, Mr Egwuatu raced away in his car and found somewhere safe to call for help.

He was taken to hospital and later sent to have a piece of metal removed from his jaw.

Mr Egwuatu, a data analyst with Croydon Council, said: 'The venom in his voice was frightening.

'He was telling me that he was going to kill me.

'I couldn't believe it was happening - and just because I was wearing an Obama T-shirt. He was trying to make me walk somewhere quieter, saying: 'I've got something for you,' and 'I'm going to kill you.'

He added: 'Obama inspires me, his educational track record alone is quite unbelievable - that is why I was wearing the T-shirt.

'I did not think for one minute it could stir up such powerful feelings of hatred and I never said a word to him.'

Mr Egwuatu's wife, Angela, 35, said neither of them had experienced anything like it during their childhood in Nigeria.

Mrs Egwuatu, an immigration officer, said: 'At first my feelings were pure horror and now it is pure anger.

'If he had been carrying a real gun I would have been a widow. It is just ridiculous.

'I don't know how a person's mentality works. Why would a T-shirt get you to the point where you want to shoot someone.'

To the untrained eye, ball-bearing guns like the one used in the attack look every bit like a real firearm.

The potentially lethal weapons are often converted by criminals to fire real bullets, and can be bought easily in high-street shops and on websites.

The Met said it was investigating the incident, which took place in South Norwood, and that police searched a nearby house which the attacker was seen going into.

No one has been arrested.

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FBI investigating after Obama effigy is hung from tree at campus of Christian university

By Mail Foreign Service
Last updated at 2:00 AM on 02nd October 2008

The FBI is investigating after four students confessed to hanging an effigy of Barack Obama from a tree on the campus of their Christian university.

The life-sized effigy was found by a university employee at about 7am on September 23. It was immediately removed, and the university said it believed just two students saw it.

George Fox University broke the news to students and staff Tuesday afternoon at an all-campus meeting. About 1,000 people attended, said Rob Felton, a university spokesman.
Enlarge Barack Obama arrives at a rally at the University of Nevada. Four students confessed to hanging a life-sized effigy of Obama at the George Fox University

Barack Obama arrives at a rally at the University of Nevada. Four students confessed to hanging a life-sized effigy of Obama at the George Fox University

A statement from the school said the penalties against the four students were "immediate long-term suspension and public service."

The school cited federal privacy rules in not disclosing more about the students or their punishment.

The FBI is investigating whether any civil rights were violated.

"A criminal investigation is much more rigorous than an academic one, obviously," said Beth Anne Steele, an FBI spokeswoman.

She couldn't say when the investigation would be complete.
George Fox University

Symbols of racism: Four students at this university have confessed to hanging an effigy of Barack Obama

Felton said the university's own investigation led to the four students. "To the best of our knowledge these are the only people involved," he said. "We're not pursuing it any further."

The commercially produced cardboard cutout of Obama was hung from a tree last week with fishing line around the neck.

A message taped to the cutout read, "Act Six reject." That refers to a scholarship and leadership program for minority and low-income student leaders at Christian colleges primarily located in the Northwest.

Felton wouldn't comment on the students' motive. Instead he cited a statement from Brad Lau, the university's vice president of student life.

"Regardless of the students' intent, the image of a black man hung from a tree is one of the most hurtful symbols of racism in American history," Lau said in the statement.

"Displays such as this have no place on a campus that is dedicated to living out the teachings of Jesus."

University president Robin Baker echoed that sentiment in the address to students and staff.

“We will not tolerate such displays and condemn it in the strongest terms,” he said. “George Fox University is committed to becoming a place that more broadly represents the Kingdom of God – a place where students from diverse backgrounds come together to live out the teachings of Jesus in our world."

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What's wrong with shooting a guy wearing a terrorist t-shirt?

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GOP supporters are now also screaming for terrorist attack against Obama. John McCain and Sarah Palin should be very proud of the modern Republican party they've helped to create. The GOP has for years been a party far too cozy with hate and intolerance - with racists, anti-Semites, gay-bashers, and religious extremists - that's why many centrists left the Republican party years ago. And now John McCain and Sarah Palin, in a last-ditch effort to win at any cost, have whipped up calls for violence against their opponent that we've never seen in an election season that I can recall. Repeated calls at Palin/McCain rallies, and at election events around the country, for Obama to be assassinated. That'll go over well with women and independents. And the Republicans wonder why more and more people are fleeing their party.

John McCain and Sarah Palin have entered very dangerous territory here.

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How many drugs have you done?

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John Lewis vs. John McCain
Posted: Saturday, October 11, 2008 3:41 PM by Carrie Dann

From NBC's Carrie Dann

Georgia congressman John Lewis -- a civil rights leader and a man once deemed by John McCain as one of the "wisest" men he knew and one whose advice he would seek as president -- today likened the "negative tone" of McCain's campaign to that of incendiary segregation advocate George Wallace in the 1960s.

"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis wrote in a statement first posted on Politico's website. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

Noting that Alabama governor and presidential candidate George Wallace "never threw a bomb" but "created the climate and the conditions that encouraged vicious attacks against innocent Americans who were simply trying to exercise their constitutional rights," Lewis attributed the 1963 bombing of a Birmingham church to the racial division sown by Wallace's political rhetoric.

"As public figures with the power to influence and persuade, Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are playing with fire, and if they are not careful, that fire will consume us all," the statement continues. "They are playing a very dangerous game that disregards the value of the political process and cheapens our entire democracy. We can do better. The American people deserve better."

The McCain campaign responded with a strongly-worded statement calling Lewis's remarks "brazen and baseless," and asking that Obama "personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments."

"Congressman John Lewis' comments represent a character attack against Governor Sarah Palin and me that is shocking and beyond the pale," reads the statement from McCain. "The notion that legitimate criticism of Senator Obama's record and positions could be compared to Governor George Wallace, his segregationist policies and the violence he provoked is unacceptable and has no place in this campaign. I am saddened that John Lewis, a man I've always admired, would make such a brazen and baseless attack on my character and the character of the thousands of hardworking Americans who come to our events to cheer for the kind of reform that will put America on the right track.

"I call on Senator Obama to immediately and personally repudiate these outrageous and divisive comments that are so clearly designed to shut down debate 24 days before the election. Our country must return to the important debate about the path forward for America."

Repudiate? The fact that vicious GOP mobs are calling for assassination?

Here, these are particularly nice:

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Here's McCain trying to tame the flames He earlier fanned:

Yesterday, McCain was forced to tell his own supporters to STFU after a week of inciting them to yell death threats about Barack Obama. I wonder if the Secret Service had a little talk with McCain, and perhaps that's why he's suddenly so down on assassination talk. I wouldn't be surprised. Something happened. And McCain clearly isn't happy about it.

Don't get me wrong, McCain couldn't care less if his supporters are urging that Obama be killed - remember, just yesterday the McCain campaign put out two - TWO - statements defending the assassination talk. (And McCain's Obama-isn't-like-you-and-me commercials are still running, and still inciting racial and ethnic hatred.) McCain looks like a beaten man, especially when he says that you don't have to be scared of Obama as president of the United States. That sounded to me like a Freudian concession speech.

here's more of this hate that McCain has created at his campaign events.

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the secret service has no love for Obama. But he won't win so we don't need to worry.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
C'Mon, Mcain/Palin. Whip up your supporters into a crazed racist, fearful frenzy!!!

The who got shot was in Great Britain.

That means the person who shot him was, in all likelihood, British and not a McCain/Palin voter, or even someone "incited" to violence by McCain and Palin.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
Here's McCain trying to tame the flames He earlier fanned:

Yesterday, McCain was forced to tell his own supporters to STFU after a week of inciting them to yell death threats about Barack Obama. I wonder if the Secret Service had a little talk with McCain, and perhaps that's why he's suddenly so down on assassination talk. I wouldn't be surprised. Something happened. And McCain clearly isn't happy about it.

Don't get me wrong, McCain couldn't care less if his supporters are urging that Obama be killed - remember, just yesterday the McCain campaign put out two - TWO - statements defending the assassination talk. (And McCain's Obama-isn't-like-you-and-me commercials are still running, and still inciting racial and ethnic hatred.) McCain looks like a beaten man, especially when he says that you don't have to be scared of Obama as president of the United States. That sounded to me like a Freudian concession speech.

here's more of this hate that McCain has created at his campaign events.

g-Man, honestly, I find the tone of that entire event not so much maddening as I do, sad. I've seen this again and again in footage of McCain rallies and on he faces of his supporters. They're genuinely scared. Because they believe all the smear b.s that your side puts out there. They don't understand that these are political tactics designed to sow doubt. They truly believe that Obama is Muslim. The believe that this means that he'll destroy America from within. They believe he's "socialist" or "communist" or just 'not white" and that means the end of "freedom" or even just white supremacy. They swallow this stuff hook line and sinker and that's what's so dangerous about this climate.

What i'm also struck by, following up on this racial element is the almost complete lack of diversity I see in McCain crowds. And i don't mean just along racial lines necessarily. I see hardly any diversity even as far as Caucasians are concerned. It's all just an almost homogeneous sea of fair haired WASP whites with little exception. Which I just find odd given that America doesn't look like that anymore. Not even in "white America". It just seems that there is this fear among that crowd that they're coming to this realization as well and Obama just crystallizes that..

As they see their candidates fortunes sink like a stone, they're getting desperate, angry and scared that they need to take matters into their own hands or MORE needs to be done to save our country from this guy who in the words of the MCcain ads, "is not one of us". yeah, some of it is racist, and i do feel that is racist code for "non white" but to others, it's just code for him being aligned with Osama Bin Laden. And those dots were put out there for people to connect. With Bill Ayers, then by emphasizing his middle name and suggesting he's dangerous.

And look at that footage. Deep down, despite what McCain has set loose upon us, I saw almost an alarm in him that this fear was so deep and palatable in this crowd. That they genuinely "bought into it". And that they're genuinely afraid of Obama. I think he saw the monster his staff created and I'm just wondering if he's recalling 2000 and what was done to him. Hence his need now not so much to defend Obama but to set his misled followers a bit more straight about the fact that he's not Arab, he's not a terrorist, he's not to be afraid of. He's just an opposition candidate with different political ideas.

This is the danger of all that AM talk radio shit. That these people are that trusting and place so much faith in people who are just doing political hit jobs that they themselves are the terrorists that they claim Obama pals around with. terrorism as you know is instilling fear in a populace for political ends. And if something does end up happening to obama, I think it's safe to say that you can lay some of the blame right at the McCain Palin doorstep and with the far right demagougery on the right wing echo chamber.

So honestly G-Man, I don't want to hear more of your propaganda, I want to hear what you genuinely think of this political tactic gone too far.

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 Originally Posted By: the G-man
 Originally Posted By: whomod
C'Mon, Mcain/Palin. Whip up your supporters into a crazed racist, fearful frenzy!!!

The who got shot was in Great Britain.

That means the person who shot him was, in all likelihood, British and not a McCain/Palin voter, or even someone "incited" to violence by McCain and Palin.
not only that McCain and Palin have nothing to do with inciting this.

whomod has Barack incited you? no? then why do you hate McCain and Palin which you did even a month ago.....2 months ago. Because that is how you feel regardless of what Hussein tells you. I strongly dislike (hate) Obama and it has nothing to do with McCain and Palin......give it a rest. it's the weekend go outside and enjoy the california weather.

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I hate Obama and I think he is the devil.

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or at the very least Hitler.

he is the third anti christ that was phrophecized by nostradamus.

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With all due respect, whomod, if you really want to falsely accuse McCain of threatening his opponent's life, I'm not going to waste a lot of time with you on this.

You want to know what I genuninely think? I think Obama is a thug and a race-baiter who intends to use voter fraud and accusations of "hate speech," and legal threats to silence his critics and opponents just like his mentors Ayers and Wright taught him, so that he can impose a radical Marxist agenda.

I also think that, not his race, is what is scaring the shit out of people.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
g-Man, honestly, I find the tone of that entire event not so much maddening as I do, sad. I've seen this again and again in footage of McCain rallies and on he faces of his supporters. They're genuinely scared. Because they believe all the smear b.s that your side puts out there. They don't understand that these are political tactics designed to sow doubt. They truly believe that Obama is Muslim. The believe that this means that he'll destroy America from within. They believe he's "socialist" or "communist" or just 'not white" and that means the end of "freedom" or even just white supremacy. They swallow this stuff hook line and sinker and that's what's so dangerous about this climate.

What i'm also struck by, following up on this racial element is the almost complete lack of diversity I see in McCain crowds. And i don't mean just along racial lines necessarily. I see hardly any diversity even as far as Caucasians are concerned. It's all just an almost homogeneous sea of fair haired WASP whites with little exception. Which I just find odd given that America doesn't look like that anymore. Not even in "white America". It just seems that there is this fear among that crowd that they're coming to this realization as well and Obama just crystallizes that..

As they see their candidates fortunes sink like a stone, they're getting desperate, angry and scared that they need to take matters into their own hands or MORE needs to be done to save our country from this guy who in the words of the MCcain ads, "is not one of us". yeah, some of it is racist, and i do feel that is racist code for "non white" but to others, it's just code for him being aligned with Osama Bin Laden. And those dots were put out there for people to connect. With Bill Ayers, then by emphasizing his middle name and suggesting he's dangerous.

And look at that footage. Deep down, despite what McCain has set loose upon us, I saw almost an alarm in him that this fear was so deep and palatable in this crowd. That they genuinely "bought into it". And that they're genuinely afraid of Obama. I think he saw the monster his staff created and I'm just wondering if he's recalling 2000 and what was done to him. Hence his need now not so much to defend Obama but to set his misled followers a bit more straight about the fact that he's not Arab, he's not a terrorist, he's not to be afraid of. He's just an opposition candidate with different political ideas.

This is the danger of all that AM talk radio shit. That these people are that trusting and place so much faith in people who are just doing political hit jobs that they themselves are the terrorists that they claim Obama pals around with. terrorism as you know is instilling fear in a populace for political ends. And if something does end up happening to obama, I think it's safe to say that you can lay some of the blame right at the McCain Palin doorstep and with the far right demagougery on the right wing echo chamber.

So honestly G-Man, I don't want to hear more of your propaganda, I want to hear what you genuinely think of this political tactic gone too far.

I didn't read any of that.

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Why does whomod even post here? Its not like any of us are going to believe any of the lies he believes. Why do idiots think everyone else is just as stupid as them?

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I think he likes being laughed at.

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The loser changed his user title to "some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?"

Because we're the ones sucking obama's terrorist cock?

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 Originally Posted By: rex
Why does whomod even post here? Its not like any of us are going to believe any of the lies he believes. Why do idiots think everyone else is just as stupid as them?

He likes the negative attention.

That's why he got bored with his fellow liberal sheep at the insurgency...not enough conflict and drama for the drama queen.

Didn't he openly admit that he wanted the G-man and Wonder Boy to post at the insurgency, since he missed getting embarrassed by both of them?

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It was sad to see such angry ignorant people at McCain's event here in my state. McCain's got the crackpots stirred up now to the point he can't even calm them down.

Fair play!
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Because you and whomod aren't crackpots?

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Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: Re: The Crazed Desperate Racist GOP Mob.

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Thread: Re: The Crazed Desperate Racist GOP Mob.

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 Originally Posted By: PJP
I hate Obama and I think he is the devil.


Thank you for that reasoned intelligent response.

 Originally Posted By: the G-man

You want to know what I genuninely think? I think Obama is a thug and a race-baiter who intends to use voter fraud and accusations of "hate speech," and legal threats to silence his critics and opponents just like his mentors Ayers and Wright taught him, so that he can impose a radical Marxist agenda.

I also think that, not his race, is what is scaring the shit out of people.


Race baiter? Obama has taken pains to not make this about race nor to paint himself a s a "victim". It was McCain's team that tried to divert it to race on several occasions because they know that would play right into their hands. Only to see Obama not take the bait and defuse their criticisms. Must suck for you guys, eh?

Oh, and before you even go there. I'm not Barack Obama. So don't even try to toss the title of the thread at him. That is what I think.

 Originally Posted By: rex
Why does whomod even post here? Its not like any of us are going to believe any of the lies he believes. Why do idiots think everyone else is just as stupid as them?

Because it obviously pisses you off for me to do so. And I enjoy pissing you off. \:\)

 Originally Posted By: the G-man
I think he likes being laughed at.

All you've demonstrated so far is that you're part of that mob I describe.

 Originally Posted By: rex
The loser changed his user title to "some RKMB'ers are Obsessed with Black People Hmmm?"

Because we're the ones sucking obama's terrorist cock?

as is Rex.

 Originally Posted By: MisterJLA
 Originally Posted By: rex
Why does whomod even post here? Its not like any of us are going to believe any of the lies he believes. Why do idiots think everyone else is just as stupid as them?

He likes the negative attention.

That's why he got bored with his fellow liberal sheep at the insurgency...not enough conflict and drama for the drama queen.

Didn't he openly admit that he wanted the G-man and Wonder Boy to post at the insurgency, since he missed getting embarrassed by both of them?

Oh look, JLA showed up and isn't discussing the subject but instead has to weigh in on whomod. Didn't see that coming.

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
It was sad to see such angry ignorant people at McCain's event here in my state. McCain's got the crackpots stirred up now to the point he can't even calm them down.

It's sad to see that we can't have opposition candidates any more in this country because the base of one of those parties has swallowed every hate filled retarded accusation that they hear from Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh as FACT. As you can see, Obama isn't a Democrat. He's a Marxist. He's wasn't a community activist. he was a terrorist. He doesn't have Hussein as a middle name as a result of his birth, no he chose it to reveal his secret agenda.

 Originally Posted By: rex
Because you and whomod aren't crackpots?

 Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts

And then you have almost every dumb fuck that still believes in the Republican Party after these disastrous 8 years still hanging on to every crazy conspiracy theory about Obama and his radical agenda to destroy America because Sean Flintstone Hannity convinces them of it every day. Because only the far right asholes know what's up and evryone else in the media is welll .... "liberal". But of course it's not you guys who are "crackpots", eh? \:lol\:

To me it looks like it's now mostly an entire party of hate filled fearful tinfoil hat wearers and that is why they deserve to be as marginalized as they're fast becoming. And the irony is that the people on the far right who they trust are basically the real terrorists, terrorizing them with talk of Obama the terrorist, Obama the Maxist, Obama the socialist, Obama the Muslim,etc. etc. As I said, when you use fear to carry out a political agenda, that is terrorism. And in some of those people that chose to trust these creeps, you can see that terror is real.

The sooner we're rid of these extremist far right crazies from our political system, the better off this country will finally be. Then maybe the reasoned adults and not the far right nuts can take over the Republican Party again. It's really disconcerting that someone who I thought knew better and just chooses to play dumb for political reasons is also part o the mob that thinks any opposition to GOP policies is "Marxist". And I'm supposed to be the extremist, eh?

I just hope that inspired by all these extreme smears, some asshole doesn't try to take matters into their own hands. Those crowds sure do look ready and willing.

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Oh, look, it's some fat Fred Mertz looking fuck with an Obama monkey! How clever!

Who wants to be associated with this kind of Republican party? Or with a candidate who inspires this kind of hate and intolerance? You'd think the stock market didn't just lose 20% of its value in the past month, the way Mccain, Palin and their hateful crowds are acting.

This is the nadir of these peoples America. And not a moment to soon. The 20th century is over and so are they.

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At least there are still a few Republicans who aren't some vicious racist idiotic mob:

LaHood: Palin Should Stop It

Steve Miller, WBBM NewsRadio 780 Reporting

CHICAGO -- A seven-term Republican Congressman from Illinois is taking issue with fellow Republican Sarah Palin, saying some of the vice presidential candidate's rallies "don't befit the office she's running for."

Republican Congressman Ray LaHood represents the 18th District: central and western Illinois, including Peoria. He's retiring in January.

LaHood supports the McCain ticket, but doesn't like what he sees at some of the McCain-Palin rallies: When Barack Obama's name has been mentioned by Sarah Palin, there are shouts of "terrorist," and LaHood says Palin should put a stop to it.

"Look it. This doesn't befit the office that she's running for. And frankly, people don't like it."

Congressman LaHood says it could backfire on the Republican ticket.

He says the names that Obama is being called, "Certainly don't reflect the character of the man."

Panic attacks: Voters unload at GOP rallies

The unmistakable momentum behind Barack Obama's campaign, combined with worry that John McCain is not doing enough to stop it, is ratcheting up fears and frustrations among conservatives.

And nowhere is this emotion on plainer display than at Republican rallies, where voters this week have shouted out insults at the mention of Obama, pleaded with McCain to get more aggressive with the Democrat and generally demonstrated the sort of visceral anger and unease that reflects a party on the precipice of panic.

so you guys are "panicked"? \:lol\:


Why the panic? Do you feel that only Republicans deserve to "rule"? That's not Democracy then BTW.

And so in response, you guys go to the inner ugly that many outside observers have been saying has been there inside the far right base all along. I'm so glad that's all you guys have left and been reduced to. As you can plainly see, the uglier and more virulent you've all gotten, the more openly you all parrot the smear that you hear on Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, the bigger Obama's lead has widened. Nobody wants to be near or associated with the old cranky racist John Bircher uncle.

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This chestnut, published in todays NYT comes from the Pennsylvania GOP Chair:

In Pennsylvania, Robert A. Gleason Jr., the state Republican chairman, said he was concerned that Mr. McCain’s increasingly aggressive tone was not working with moderate voters and women in the important southeastern part of a state that is at the top of Mr. McCain’s must-win list.

“They’re not as susceptible to attack ads,” Mr. Gleason said. “I worry about the southeast. Obama is making inroads.”

Funny that Mr. Gleason is so worried about the "aggressive tone." Last week, as Will Bunch at reported, that same Mr. Gleason sent out a press release calling Obama "a terrorist's best friend." Gleason is clearly an idiot. He's got only himself (and McCain and Palin) to blame for the ugliness that's turning off voters in his state.

I'll conclude with a comment from former Bush cabinet secretary Tommy Thompson who was pretty blunt:

Tommy Thompson, a Republican who is a former governor of Wisconsin, said it would be difficult for Mr. McCain to win in his state but not impossible, particularly if he campaigned in conservative Democratic parts of the state. Asked if he was happy with Mr. McCain’s campaign, Mr. Thompson replied, “No,” and he added, “I don’t know who is.”

Yes, the GOP rats are jumping off the McCain ship. Those same rats were all on the Bush ship that destroyed America.

This election is going to be a total repudiation of the Republican party.

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Looks like whomod is broken again.

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If me enjoying the state of the GOP and the McCain ticket right now is being "broken" then I don't mind one bit. \:lol\:

Sucks for you though, huh? \:lol\:

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So much anger.

Why don't you turn your computer off and spend some time with your family? Do something relaxing. Go for a walk or something that will burn all that anger off.

You could always go up to san fagcisco and do yoga with adler.

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or for gob's sake man, at least take the wife to the beach before you beat her, that way she can enjoy the breeze!

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Thread: The Crazed Desperate Racist GOP Mob.

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She gets enough enough of a breeze from his wild attempts at punching back at her, when she's kicking his ass.

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 Originally Posted By: whomod
MisterJLA talkative Moderator Epic Take Maker
15000+ posts 10/12/08 03:52 PM Reading a post
Forum: Politics and Current Events
Thread: The Crazed Desperate Racist GOP Mob.

I think you wanted to use a different ID. Both are useless, so in the end it really doesn't matter.

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I'm just appreciating the irony of whomod starting a thread with the words 'crazed', 'desperate', and 'racist' in the title.


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Hat tip, Jonathan Martin at Politico:

Racists for McCain

From a Palin rally yesterday in Johnstown, Pa. Something tells me it's not Obama's tax policy that this man fears.

Him, or the other smiling idiots walking approvingly beside him.

I had a feeling that as Mcain's fortunes would dwindle and the election neared, you'd start seeing the REAL reason why people fear an Obama Presidency despite all the "Muslim" and "anti-American" BS. Some people just never fail to be predictable.

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