Originally Posted By: whomod
g-Man, honestly, I find the tone of that entire event not so much maddening as I do, sad. I've seen this again and again in footage of McCain rallies and on he faces of his supporters. They're genuinely scared. Because they believe all the smear b.s that your side puts out there. They don't understand that these are political tactics designed to sow doubt. They truly believe that Obama is Muslim. The believe that this means that he'll destroy America from within. They believe he's "socialist" or "communist" or just 'not white" and that means the end of "freedom" or even just white supremacy. They swallow this stuff hook line and sinker and that's what's so dangerous about this climate.

What i'm also struck by, following up on this racial element is the almost complete lack of diversity I see in McCain crowds. And i don't mean just along racial lines necessarily. I see hardly any diversity even as far as Caucasians are concerned. It's all just an almost homogeneous sea of fair haired WASP whites with little exception. Which I just find odd given that America doesn't look like that anymore. Not even in "white America". It just seems that there is this fear among that crowd that they're coming to this realization as well and Obama just crystallizes that..

As they see their candidates fortunes sink like a stone, they're getting desperate, angry and scared that they need to take matters into their own hands or MORE needs to be done to save our country from this guy who in the words of the MCcain ads, "is not one of us". yeah, some of it is racist, and i do feel that is racist code for "non white" but to others, it's just code for him being aligned with Osama Bin Laden. And those dots were put out there for people to connect. With Bill Ayers, then by emphasizing his middle name and suggesting he's dangerous.

And look at that footage. Deep down, despite what McCain has set loose upon us, I saw almost an alarm in him that this fear was so deep and palatable in this crowd. That they genuinely "bought into it". And that they're genuinely afraid of Obama. I think he saw the monster his staff created and I'm just wondering if he's recalling 2000 and what was done to him. Hence his need now not so much to defend Obama but to set his misled followers a bit more straight about the fact that he's not Arab, he's not a terrorist, he's not to be afraid of. He's just an opposition candidate with different political ideas.

This is the danger of all that AM talk radio shit. That these people are that trusting and place so much faith in people who are just doing political hit jobs that they themselves are the terrorists that they claim Obama pals around with. terrorism as you know is instilling fear in a populace for political ends. And if something does end up happening to obama, I think it's safe to say that you can lay some of the blame right at the McCain Palin doorstep and with the far right demagougery on the right wing echo chamber.

So honestly G-Man, I don't want to hear more of your propaganda, I want to hear what you genuinely think of this political tactic gone too far.

I didn't read any of that.