This chestnut, published in todays NYT comes from the Pennsylvania GOP Chair:

In Pennsylvania, Robert A. Gleason Jr., the state Republican chairman, said he was concerned that Mr. McCain’s increasingly aggressive tone was not working with moderate voters and women in the important southeastern part of a state that is at the top of Mr. McCain’s must-win list.

“They’re not as susceptible to attack ads,” Mr. Gleason said. “I worry about the southeast. Obama is making inroads.”

Funny that Mr. Gleason is so worried about the "aggressive tone." Last week, as Will Bunch at reported, that same Mr. Gleason sent out a press release calling Obama "a terrorist's best friend." Gleason is clearly an idiot. He's got only himself (and McCain and Palin) to blame for the ugliness that's turning off voters in his state.

I'll conclude with a comment from former Bush cabinet secretary Tommy Thompson who was pretty blunt:

Tommy Thompson, a Republican who is a former governor of Wisconsin, said it would be difficult for Mr. McCain to win in his state but not impossible, particularly if he campaigned in conservative Democratic parts of the state. Asked if he was happy with Mr. McCain’s campaign, Mr. Thompson replied, “No,” and he added, “I don’t know who is.”

Yes, the GOP rats are jumping off the McCain ship. Those same rats were all on the Bush ship that destroyed America.

This election is going to be a total repudiation of the Republican party.