Originally Posted By: whomod
Newspaper endorsements are starting. Not sure they have much of an impact with voters, but they do capture the sentiment about the candidates and can be illuminating. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch endorsed Obama and McCain before the February 5th Missouri primary. In the general election, the paper is strongly behind Obama -- and very disappointed in McCain.

Over the past nine months, Mr. Obama, the junior senator from Illinois, has emerged as the only truly transformative candidate in the race. In the crucible that is a presidential campaign, his intellect, his temperament and equanimity under pressure consistently have been impressive. He has surrounded himself with smart, capable advisers who have helped him refine thorough, nuanced policy positions.

In a word, Mr. Obama has been presidential.

Meanwhile, Mr. McCain, the senior senator from Arizona, became the incredible shrinking man.
He shrank from his principled stands in favor of a humane immigration policy. He shrank from his universal condemnation of torture and his condemnation of the politics of smear.

He even shrank from his own campaign slogan, “County First,” by selecting the least qualified running mate since the Swedenborgian shipbuilder Arthur Sewall ran as William Jennings Bryan’s No. 2 in 1896.

"Shrinking man." Nasty, but true.
don't fucking judge me that pool was filled with cold water.