Originally Posted By: whomod

But no, this is what I find so distasteful about every time ANYONE, right or left tries to use the anti-christ tactic is that they try to use it to SCARE people and to try to derail this so called anti-Christ. Which to me sounds like if they have no faith that they themselves are "saved". If Barack Obama is the anti-Christ, then that IMO would be MORE incentive for Christians to vote FOR him rather than to try to actively stop God's plan.

I think a lot of people believe in the Bible and God's word, but know their life isn't right and want to put off judgment as long as they can. I think there is another school of thought that while they themselves might be saved many of their loved ones are not and they fear their loss. But if Obama is the anti-Christ then it is God's plan and no one can stop it, it fulfilling his prophesy. The fact that people recognize he is or may be is also told in the Bible, it is also told that people will ignore the warning.

Time to get a grip on all that hatred whomod.