Yesterday, Politico had a hot scoop. John McCain was going to announce new economic plans today. Yep, McCain was going to seize the day by talking about the economic crisis. Wrong.

It's not going to happen:

Despite signals that Senator John McCain would have new prescriptions for the economic crisis after a weekend of meetings, his campaign said Sunday that Mr. McCain, the Republican presidential nominee, would not have any more proposals this week unless developments call for some.

The signs of internal confusion came as the campaign was under pressure from state party leaders to sharpen his message on the economy and at least blunt the advantage that Democrats traditionally have on the issue in hard times. Republicans have grown fretful as Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic presidential nominee, has edged ahead in polls three weeks before the election, while Mr. McCain has veered between ill-received economic plans and attacks on Mr. Obama’s character.

The McCain campaign is out of control. McCain is increasingly erratic. It's disturbing. These are dangerous times. We need a steady leader.

And, don't forget that McCain doesn't want to talk about the economic crisis or he'll lose. Remember this statement from a "McCain strategist": "If we keep talking about the economic crisis, we're going to lose."

Buh bye McCain!