The racist rhetoric that has been popping up on the McCain campaign trail as of late doesn’t seem to be just the work of an out of control mob: McCain’s campaign organizers are also getting in on the act. McCain’s Virginia campaign organizer, Bobby May, wrote a racist column titled “The (clarified) Platform of Barack Hussein Obama” last week that “satirized” Obama by claiming he’d “pay Ludacris to paint the White House black,” change the stars on the American flag to a “star and crescent logo,” he’d change the currency to feature images of Oprah and Ludacris (this guy’s knowledge of hip-hop seems relegated to people Bill O’Reilly hates), and he’d use the drug war money to give cheap heroin to his constituency.

He also wrote that Obama would divert more foreign aid to Africa so "the Obama family there can skim enough to allow them to free their goats and live the American Dream." Once again, He joked that Obama would replace the 50 stars on the U.S. flag "with a star and crescent logo," an Islamic symbol, and that his policy on drugs would be to "raise taxes to pay for Obama's inner-city political base."

Now Bobby May, far from being just another racist McCain nut job that the campaign seeks to minimize and disavow, is also treasurer of the Buchanan County Republican Party and was listed in a July news release as the county's representative on McCain's Virginia leadership team, though he said his column reflected his views alone, and he denied it was racist.

So yet again we see the real problem Republicans have with Barack Obama. If you look at most maps of the U.S. as far as the electorate is concerned, you can see that the edges are turning blue and the red is being relegated to the middle. I predict that the racist Republicans, after an Obama victory, will soon hole up in the hills of Montana, Idaho North Dakota and Wyoming and from there they'll make their last stand for the "real America" and "Real American values". The rest of America will give a collective shrug and a yawn though.