So let's just get this straight.

  • When liberals spent the past eight years spewing anti-Bush and anti-America hate the center-left media and people like whomod told us they were an anomoly.
  • When Louis Farrakhan praised Obama as the Messiah and Hamas endorsed Obama as the second coming, the argument was that he can't be responsible for all of his supporters.
  • When questions are raised about Obama's close 20-year relationship with racist pastor Jeremiah Wright, his personal friendship with former PLO spokesman and leading anti-Israel professor Rashid Khalidi, business dealings with convicted felon Tony Rezko, and ties to unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers, we're told it's an unfair attempt to establish "guilt by association." With Glorious Leader Obama, all that matters is whatever he is currently saying.

...yet when an angry dude grabs a microphone at a McCain rally and says he's scared of Obama, and old woman says Obama's an Arab, it tells you all you need to know about McCain--even though McCain himself immediately condemns them and defends Obama.

Yep. It's all about the censorship. Any one who runs against the Messiah is going to be accused of promoting hate speech and censored.

El presidente for life.