VA GOP Chief Compares Obama to Osama

October 12, 2008 3:52 PM

Time's Karen Tumulty spent some time in Virginia this week covering the ground game in that battleground state, and happened upon an interesting little scene.

In McCain's Gainesville, Va., office, Virginia Republican Party Chairman Jeff Frederick, standing on a folding chair, spoke to 30 campaign volunteers who were about to go canvassing door to door.

He gave them "talking points," Tumulty writes, "for instance, the connection between Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden."

Said Frederick: "Both have friends that bombed the Pentagon," in a reference to Obama acquaintance William Ayers. "That is scary."

Added a woman: "And he won't salute the flag."

(Not true.)

Offered a male volunteer: "We don't even know where Senator Obama was really born."

(Also not true.)

Todays Republican Party. This is what John McCain has to deal with. A candidate that ran on his "maverick" image and his willingness to work along the middle. A candidate who has to appeal to independents and moderates in order to win the election. A candidate now saddled with, and still having to appeal and fire up the most idiotic virulent crazies in America today. People that get their hate filled talking points from AM talk radio and FOX News. He's saddled with you guys. For better or worse. And it looks like it's for the worst.

Good. The more crazy talk you right wingers put out, that you guys genuinely believe mind you, the worse it'll get for McCain.

The Modern Republican Party. Terrorized by the very people who feed them that shit to scare them into voting Republican. There's "terrorists" in America all right, and the main one is some ridiculous Fred Flintstone looking fuck called Sean Hannity. Hearing the real fear and misinformation in these crowds, you see that he's terrorized and misled scores of people in this country, many of them older Americans who trust them to tell them truth.

Then there's people like some of you who know better but still willingly and willfully accept this venomous, virulent, vile, crap and even help spread it further.

BTW is Walter Annenberg a "terrorist"? Just asking since it was (Reagan Ambassador)Annenberg that chose William Ayers as well as Barack Obama to sit on that education board.

Or does sitting on Waler Annenberg's board make Obama a Reagan Republican since he chose to "associate" with that Republican....

I know I know.. too much contradictory data to think about!!