Originally Posted By: Uschi
This response is highly biased and emotionally driven. You have been warned.

A year ago I had no idea who I'd support more in this year's election. The more time passes, the more I support Obama/Biden and am against McCain/Palin. Tonight's debate is aggravating. Obama is making points, statements, arguments. McCain is (literally) pointing fingers, blaming, ignoring questions and making speeches and accusations. Where is he telling us WHAT he will do? It comes off as buzzwords, special phrases that prick up the ears of lazy republicans "NO TAXES!" "SPENDING FREEZE!" "JOE THE PLUMBER!" He's a sound-bite robot!

Actually, Obama ducked quite few questions and replaced answer with fillers.

McCain is repetitive, but to say his "robot" responses held no merit is stupid.

I support Obama because, well, I'm working class.

I'm working class as well. Me and my family have yet to escape the lower middle class-class. Odds are that's where we'll die. I don't see why that means we would vote for Obama.