Originally Posted By: PJP
Looks like it's over then. Congratulations whomod! If I was you I wouldn't even bother voting this one is in the bag.

Actually I vote in every election as a matter of civic duty and I now walk my infant daughter with me to the polling precinct to instill the habit and tradition in her. Not that it really matters much with me in California. It's not like if McCain will win here under any circumstance.

I strongly disagree with you about "blacks" not showing up to vote. This thing has resonated strongly among all sectors of the black community, from what I've seen first hand. You're going to see unprecedented numbers of blacks, and pretty much anyone else, showing up to vote on November 4. Elections and politics suddenly became real and relevant and American Idol finally became the trivial trash it is, as the ratings for those 2 programs have shown since the economic crisis hit.

People are tuned in. And as has been discussed for years, the more involved the public is in voting, the more it favors Democrats. Which explains why the gOP go out of their way to depress turnout election after election.