Originally Posted By: whomod
Sarah Palin just can't help herself. Who knew she was so good a hate speech orator?

Palin also made a point of mentioning that she loved to visit the "pro-America" areas of the country, of which North Carolina is one. No word on which states she views as unpatriotic.

To Avoid Being 'Depressed,' Palin Skimps on Campaign News

No surprise there on the title. Reality is disturbing to right wingers. Hatred and division and a good healthy does of McCarthyism almost comes second nature.

I can now see why PJP gets all worked up about me being anti American if I dare so much as point out that Palin lied her ass off when she said she was cleared in troopergate. You fucks are getting pumped full of all this anyone who disagrees with the right wing is "anti-american" shit.
who I have always been willing to meet you in the middle. You are just scared of trying to see something other than your own views.