Originally Posted By: Franta

Um... wasn't it McCain that brought him up? As for the "Obama camp", "destroying" him, that was the media looking into who the fuck this guy that John McCain brought up over 20 times during the debate, was. It's shameless that McCain now blames Obama for this guys notoriety. It's funny though that this guy who happily parrots right wing talking points would actually benefit from obama's tax cuts. And even if any of that horseshit he was saying about starting his own business was true, he'd still benefit from obama's tax cuts.


Obama hangs with a "scholar'
who was terrorist who clearly stated I SHOULD HAVE BOMBED MORE

That is an outright lie from the right. Ayers never said that. To be clear, Ayres never said as Republicans are now quoting him, that he wished he had undertaken more bombings 40 years ago. But, rather, he said he wished he had done more to stop the Vietnam war

The media is wrong to judge Obama even though ALL EVIDENCE SHOWS despite Obamas denial that he acualy began his campaign at this "ex"terrorist" house.

Here's the facts and not the right wing spin. In 1995, when Obama was running for state senator, the retiring incumbent, Alice Palmer, shuttled him around the district to make introductions. One of those meetings arranged by Palmer took place in Ayres' home. In my experience, a novice candidate for state senate would meet with a homeless person in his cardboard box if he was invited in. This is not the stuff of a terrorist cabal. It would be just as true to say that, “Obama had a long association with prominent members of the Chicago Republican establishment with connections to the Nixon and Reagan administrations and his political career was launched with their money.”

If Charles Manson gets paroled today.....does it make a difference his crime commited were before I was born if I invite him in my house to discuss how my children's school PTA should be run?!?!?!?!?!

The New York Times has investigated the relationship between Obama and Ayres (including the archives of the Chicago Annenberg project) and concluded, “the two men do not appear to have been close. Nor has Mr. Obama ever expressed sympathy for the radical views and actions of Mr. Ayers, whom he has called “somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8”.”

There is nothing suspect or inappropriate about the casual association between Obama and Ayres. This is a guy, after all, who received the Citizen of the Year Award in Chicago in 1997. As for him being "unrepentant" that also is a lie. He expressed remorse for his Weather Underground activities in a recent book he wrote a few years ago. But of course the right casually and deliberately omit that fact.