Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
Palin was cleared in trooper gate, you really shouldn't be so bitter.

Whatever... Figures liars back up other liars.

Now you guys ever get the feeling that I'm on to something when I say that you guys are extremists and you follow extremists on the right? Extremists like this crazy bitch?

 Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: PJP
If nothing else this election has made prouder than ever to be a Republican. I know I am not alone either. I believe the sane part of the country will fight back these last 17 days and take back our country from these elitist snobs and stop this coup d'etat and attempted coronation of the weakest Presidential candidate in the history of this country.


This election proved to me that the damage done by AM hate radio and FOX News has almost completely taken over the Republican Party to the point here it's now fringe loony central. Yesterday on hardball one of your lunatic right wing Representatives, Michelle Bachmann was on and spouting pure unadulterated hate for close to 10 minutes and casting aspersions on Democrats as being anti-American. Which echoes your charges PJP. That is the definition of extremism. Where any opposition is considered an enemy of the state.

This is why you guys need to lose this election. This is McCarthyism. This borders on fascism actually. And it's not isolated. This is what you guys here say, this is what AM hate radio spews daily an this is what FOX news encourages. And then they have the audacity to call themselves mainstream and the Democrats, Obama, "The left" the media" etc. etc., extremist, with a straight face too..

And as for the "elitists", you still need to explain to me how the guy with at least 7 houses and the heiress wife is the common man and the guy who has only one house, was raised by a single mother who at one point had to go on public assistance, just paid off his student loans and just recently made his money by writing books is the "elitist". It doesn't work, but that's ok, that's another common Republican talking point that they trot out election after election.

You'd think since the Obama camp is ready for all the gOp dirty tricks they employ over and over again, that you'd catch on by now as well.

Now of course Colin Powell endorsed Obama today. Wanna know what reasons he cited? Here's video and a transript, in case you still don't get it.

Q: Sir, what role did McCain's negativity play in your decision?

POWELL: It troubled me. You know, we have two wars. We have economic problems. We have health problems. We have education problems. We have infrastructure problems. We have problems around the world with our allies. And so those are the problems the American people wanted to hear about, not about Mr. Ayers, not about who is a Muslim and who's not a Muslim. Those kinds of images going out on al Jazeera are killing us around the world. And we have got to say to the world it doesn't make any difference who you are or what you are. If you're an American you're an American.

And this business of, for example, a congressman from Minnesota who's going around saying let's examine all congressmen to see who is pro-America or not pro-America. We have got to stop this kind of nonsense and pull ourselves together and remember that our great strength is in our unity and in our diversity. And so that really was driving me. And to focus on people like Mr. Ayers, these trivial issues for the purpose of suggesting that somehow Mr. Obama would have some kind of terrorists' inclinations, I thought that was over the top. It was beyond just good political fighting back and forth. I think it went beyond. And then to sort of throw in this subtle Muslim connection. You know, he's a Muslim and a terrorist. And it was taking root. And we can't judge our people and we can't hold our elections on that kind of basis. And so yes, that kind of negativity troubles me and the constant shifting of the argument.

I was troubled a couple of weeks ago when in the middle of the crisis the campaign said we're going to go negative and they announced it. We're going to go negative and attack his character through Bill Ayers. And now I guess the message this week is we're going to call him a socialist. Mr. Obama is now a socialist because he dares to suggest that maybe we ought to look at the tax structure that we have. Taxes are always a redistribution of money. Most of the taxes that are redistributed go back to those who pay it in roads and airports and hospitals and schools. And taxes are necessary for the common good. And there's nothing wrong with examining what our tax structure is or who should be paying more, who should be paying less. And for us to say that makes you a socialist I think is an unfortunate characterization that isn't accurate. And I don't want my taxes raised. I don't want anybody else's taxes raised. But I also want to see our infrastructure fixed. I don't want to have a $12 trillion national debt and I don't want to see an annual deficit that's over $500 billion heading toward a trillion. So how do we deal with all of this?

You guys are fucking yourselves with the sane part of America and you guys are so far gone to the loony extreme right that you can't even see it. So it's sort of rich when the crazies call anyone else not like them, the 'extremists". A majority of Americans, and now General Colin Powell vehemently disagree.

I wonder how your hate radio stations and FOX will try to spin Powells comments to pivot back to Obama hatred and baseless smears, where they're the most happy.