The crazed hatred of anyone not toeing the extremist right meme, continues....

McCain Adviser Says Northern Virginia Not "Real" Virginia

October 18, 2008 3:17 PM

It might be a good idea for the folks from the McCain campaign to take a day off, take a breath, and then return to work. Republicans unaffiliated with the campaign tell me the "bunker" mentality there is really starting to hurt them.

To wit: McCain senior adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer on MSNBC today.

"As a proud resident of Oakton, Virginia, I can tell you that the Democrats have just come in from the District of Columbia and moved into northern Virginia," Pfotenhauer said, speaking of Democratic gains in that part of the state. "And that's really what you see there.

"But the rest of the state, 'real Virginia,' if you will, I think will be very responsive to Senator McCain’s message," she continued.

Somebody ought to tell Nancy that one of the McCain's many homes is in Northern Virginia - so I guess John McCain is somehow unAmerican too?

You crazed right wingers aern't going to be happy until you restart the Confederacy, i guess.

Just in case anyone is still wondering if these Republians are interested in doing anything but dividing us. Remember a few days ago, Sarah Palin made cracks about the parts of the country that aern't "Pro-America". That strongly implies that only red states or counties are "pro America" and anyone having a dissenting view from these crazies is of course "anti-American".

Joe McCain, John's brother referred to Arlington and Alexandria as "Communist country". This hatred, division, and extremism is what's most likely to make news, and help Team Obama drive up Democratic turnout in the battleground state.

I seriously doubt that the tone of you crazed lunatics is going to change since this is the stuff you feed on from FOX news and Rush Limbaugh. That only you guys are "pro-America and anyone not in agreement with you crazies is "anti-American". I read it here, I hear it in Palin speeches, I hear it in McCain crowds. It's the extremism and McCathyism that drives the gOP nowadays.

And you're losing more and more support from sane people because of it.