Originally Posted By: whomod
So how 'bout that Colin powell, eh sammitch?

He went on a lengthy interview after his Meet the Press appearance to denounce Palin's selection, to denounce the smears from the McCain camp regarding Ayers and calling obama a Muslim. He also denounced that sort of anti-Muslim bigotry and said that it hurts us internationally.

Must suck to have it thrown in your faces like that, eh? Especially since you guys wholeheartedly embrace all those things.

October. Meet surprise.
\:lol\:Yeah a black man endorsing another black man is a HUGE surprise. Quite honestly if I was Black I'd vote for Obama no mater what to.

But incidentaly Colin Powell is one of the main reasons we went to war with Iraq. He was the man that sold it to America. The Obama campaign now has more in common with Bush than McCain.