Originally Posted By: britneyspearsatemyshorts
actually it makes us look strong, they tried for a month to break Pro, and all I did was sticky two topics and *snap*!

Really? That's it? That's all you're going to give me?

I understand G-Man, basams. I do. He's a simple case. He's in a belittling, meaningless position, driven by fantasies of importance and grandeur. He so deperately wants to be seen and accepted as something more than just the traffic-ticket lawyer, he'll do anything to try and prove his superiority to anyone on these message boards.

But you're cool. You're a good guy. You've always stood up against the hypocrisy or abuse of power with certain posters. So, what happened? When I called you on your unfair Mod practices, you immediately come running over here to try and insult and taunt me? Why? Everyone makes mistakes, basams, even you. All you had to do was act your age and be like, "Yeah, okay fucker, no sticked topics from anyone, sounds fair". But, instead you throw a tantrum like this? Come on! You're better than this! You, of ALL people here, are better than this.

Don't go down the G-Man path, basams. We all like you far too much to see you become exactly that which you have fought against for so long. I don't need a response or anything. You don't have to admit anything, or even apologize. Nothing. Just think about what I've said from a fair-minded point-of-view. Give it some mature consideration.

Meanwhile, G-Man fuck right off. If you can't act YOUR age (which, in respects, I guess would require a telegraph for your responses) then don't bother even trying to involve yourself. You impress no one, consistently...