Originally Posted By: Lucius Prometheus Vorenus

I dont hate Eccleston, I just think some people put him on too much of a pedestal for his so called "acting" abilities!

I'm the same with Tennant.

As I stated before, I think Chris can bring across intensity and gravitasp in any role. I think that is what he does best, you know? Other than that, I've never studied him enough to know whether he deserves an oscar or anything...

But most people dont put Tennant on a pedestal for his acting abilities, they enjoy him because he is more lighthearted and zany, thus a more approachable character.
This also adds more of a "shock" factor (for want of a better word) when he does something dark.
With Eccleston it never came as a surprise when he was more dark and moody!

The other thing with Tennant is that he appeals more to kids, and at the end of the day, thats the core audience that Who was designed for!