Originally Posted By: whomod
McCain, the candidate of osama Bin laden!!! \:lol\:

From AP:

Al-Qaida supporters suggested in a Web site message this week they would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the U.S. as a way to usher in a McCain presidency.

The message, posted Monday on the password-protected al-Hesbah Web site, said if al-Qaida wants to exhaust the United States militarily and economically, "impetuous" Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain is the better choice because he is more likely to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

"This requires presence of an impetuous American leader such as McCain, who pledged to continue the war till the last American soldier," the message said. "Then, al-Qaida will have to support McCain in the coming elections so that he continues the failing march of his predecessor, Bush."

It's funny watching someone get hit with their own boomerang.

But seriously, this is something I've been saying for a while now. Osama Bin laden doesn't specialize in terrorism, he specializes in bankrupting superpowers. And Bush/McCain are the type of imbeciles who think strutting macho-like all over the middle east and refusing to leave until there is some vague "victory" (that even Patraus said is the wrong way to look and define it), makes sense even when one of our own past operatives (bin Laden) used the same stubbornness against the Soviets to great success.

but ain't it funny....

Well, now it makes sense...

figures Osama would back McCain since McCain has said that he'd let Osama go free... if he's in Pakistan.

Wow. Probably the biggest gaffe McCain has ever made, saying that he'd refuse to catch Osama bin Laden if he had him in his sights. Specifically, McCain and Palin have said that if they knew where bin Laden was hiding in Pakistan, and the Pakistani government refused to go in and get him for us, McCain and Palin would let bin Laden go free rather than going in and getting him ourselves.

Let me repeat: McCain and Palin would refuse to grab Osama bin Laden if he were in their sights because it would offend Pakistan, a sovereign nation. (Talk about being beholden to the UN crowd!)

Barack Obama has said that he would grab bin Laden. This infuriated McCain and Palin (though Palin, to be fair, agreed with Obama, twice, a month ago - she's just catching up on her bin Laden lessons at McCain University). McCain is all worried about hurting Pakistan's feelings, or something. It's really quite astounding, McCain would let a mass murdering terrorist go free. Good luck justifying that one to the American people.

I can't understand why the Obama people haven't jumped on this more strongly (sic Biden on it). I can see Obama or Biden now, saying something like this:

My opponent and I have a fundamental disagreement. If I had Osama bin Laden in my sights, I would grab him. John McCain and Sarah Palin have said, vehemently, that they would let Osama bin Laden go free. We just fundamentally disagree on this point. John McCain and Sarah Palin are more worried about hurting a foreign government's feelings than catching the man who mass-murdered nearly 3,000 Americans. When McCain and Palin told us they were putting country first, we should have asked them which country. Talk about erratic.

The media needs to ask McCain and Palin, point blank, would you or would you not let Osama bin Laden go if you had him in your sights? Don't let them worm out of it - they've said quite clearly that they would let him go if the Pakistanis said "no." Ask them again and make them defend this horrendous admission.

Seems to me McCain is a bit soft on terror there, eh Rex?