Originally Posted By: whomod
 Originally Posted By: rex
Obama is a socialist.

So is McCain.

and what exactly is wrong with some socialist ideas? shouldn't the best ideas be the ones that are used? capitalism should not be adhered to like some fundamental idealogy. we should adapt and change to meet the modern world not some conservative pipe dream of a non-existant 1950's type world where everyone gets rich because the rich are nice people who want to trickle down their wealth. the world is too large and business is too large for a straight free market.
The problem with this country is that we want all sorts of goodies without paying for it. If I had free healthcare, great schools, clean streets, well funded police and fire, excellent parks, and the guarantee of work then I wouldn't mind some higher taxes. We act like children but the reality of the world is that things cost money. If you look at the countries that have adopted some socialist ideas and worked them into the system like canada and england the people still have money for the toys and fun things in life but also have an overall higher quality of life.

of course since i don't make $250,000 a year i'm not too worried about Obama's tax plan. in fact the working class people like me will be better off.

Bow ties are coool.