
NEW YORK – "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck will stump for vice presidential contender Sarah Palin in Florida this weekend. "Gov. Palin asked me to be with her this Sunday to introduce her at the rallies in Florida. I am more than honored to be there," Hasselbeck said Thursday on the TV talk show. "I'll have some stories, I'm sure, on Monday."

Palin is scheduled to appear Sunday at campaign rallies in Tampa and Kissimmee, Fla.

Hasselbeck has worn her support for the Republican ticket proudly: Earlier this week, she appeared on the show in a T-shirt with the lettering: "Great AmeriMcCain Hero."

Her an Palin have a lot in common, sexist underestimate them because of their looks, but yet they always deliver a good kick in the nuts to the liberals.