Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
 Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Yes we are certainly in a different world after 8 yrs of Bush Jr. & I heard the same cries of doom when Clinton ran. The second time around it rings a bit hollow.
If Obama was going to just roll back the taxes on the individuals we would survive....it would hurt the economy but we would survive. But Obama is going to go after small businesses and corporations like never beofre and cripple the economy and the world. He is nothing like Clinton.

I think your wrong but reguardless we do know the republican style of economic policies don't work & all the things your scared of happening are already happening.
So please remember this.....You may save anywhere from 500 to 1000 dollars with Obama's tax plan every year when his his checks are mailed in January. Just watch what your living expenses are too though if he does what he says he will to the corporation and small business owners like myself. I am a small business owner but he doesn't thinks so. We employ over 40 people full and part time. We will have to cut jobs and raise prices just to survive and I know I am not alone......so think of good old PJP when you are paying more for your groceries, gas, clothes and when you go out to eat.

I have no love for Corporate CEOs making hundreds of millions and I want something to be done about that too. The shareholders should be doing more to stop the ceos from getting big payouts if the company is doing shitty. I just think we need to meet in the middle.