Originally Posted By: PJP
...So please remember this.....You may save anywhere from 500 to 1000 dollars with Obama's tax plan every year when his his checks are mailed in January. Just watch what your living expenses are too though if he does what he says he will to the corporation and small business owners like myself. I am a small business owner but he doesn't thinks so. We employ over 40 people full and part time. We will have to cut jobs and raise prices just to survive and I know I am not alone......so think of good old PJP when you are paying more for your groceries, gas, clothes and when you go out to eat.


Believe it or not I'm also thinking of you. The next year or two is going to be crappy probably no who wins but I see Obama as the best chance of digging us all out. The boyfriend & I don't go out to eat like we used to in part because we're budgeting. That's a two income household with no kids. I can't imagine families with our incomes eating out more, that's bad for you.

Fair play!