Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
A local Orlando TV station interviewed Joe Biden recently(yesterday?), this anchor nails Biden on Obama's socialist views, Biden gives the standard cookie cutter answers, but she knocks him out of the water. I read that today Obama's campaign has blacklisted the station:

It's nice to see true journalism again.

Biden rambled as usual. He was too afraid to address Obama's redistribution policies and ended up resorting to a reactionary tactic that has the temerity to try and spin Marxism on Bush.

'Bush is the one who's been redistributing money upward.'

That's one hell of a gaffe. Probably wouldn't have happened if he wasn't so dead set on replying to whatever she said with, "failed Bush policies." This is especially sad since he's allowed himself to tag along with a man who thinks there's nothing wrong with the idea that money can trickle upward.