Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
 Originally Posted By: 655321
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
your solution is to let people go to war over them? that's a bit silly.
so the only other solution to the STATE not owning these resources is all out war? how right you are, that's a bit silly.

how does this oil get out of the ground then? this should be interesting.
who gives a fuck? the point is that the state shouldn't be the one doing it. let a private corp do, as long as it's not my tax $, i don't care how it comes out of the ground.

it's funny how you ignore the bigger point, that you are ok with some socialist aspects of govt. forgive us if we don't give a shit when you bitch about other socialist aspects simply because you disagree with those. \:lol\: you're a hypocrite and you can't even recognize the fact. too bad for you, most others can.

State Is Murder.