  • Despite their political differences, Liddy and Al Franken are friends. Franken has been on Liddy's radio show multiple times. Liddy shares a similar friendship with noted feminist Camille Paglia, who has also appeared several times on his show. Liddy is friends with yet another well-known Democratic operative: Lanny Davis. A lawyer, a friend of the Clintons, and an outspoken supporter of President Bill Clinton during his second term, Davis has been on Liddy's radio show numerous times, and for many years, when Davis appeared on Liddy's show, he would be boasted as "The liberal's liberal" and "Defending the Indefensible – The Clinton Presidency", and would have a special spiel played

 Originally Posted By: Matter-eater Man
Al Franken in '08...Not for President but for MN Senate.

You are such a hypocritical sack of shit.