Originally Posted By: whomod
I don't have any problem with America or the staus quo in the southwest. You however do. I'm pretty happy with the state of the southwest and L.A. and all it's diversity, white, black, Latino, Asian Indian, Armenian, middle eastern, etc. etc. You however are not.

So why don't you quit with the fake outrage over me and admit that you think you're being overrun. Which is why i take the position i do. No one is being overrun. In fact my big problem with Latinos is that they're not branching out of So.Cal faster. The entire southwest is up for grabs and it's within the Democratic Party's reach if only more latinos spread out over Nevada, Arizona and the rest of the southwest.

That is not a call for "separatism" that is a call to participatory Democracy.
The Latinos are have more in common with the GOP and the GOP needs to wake up and see this asap. Latinos are hard workers and aren't like other groups that vote dem and are lazy like blacks and unions. Latinos are christian and hard workers that want to keep their own money and are for less taxes. The GOP should be courting the shit out of them. If that ever happened the dems would be nothing more than fringe party after that......but hey you still have the blacks.