Originally Posted By: whomod
I don't have any problem with America or the staus quo in the southwest.

Actually you do. You just pointed out how much you resent the "Anglos."

You however do.

Are you talking about your own definition of the status quo or inferring my own interpretation of the status quo?

I'm pretty happy with the state of the southwest and L.A. and all it's diversity, white, black, Latino, Asian Indian, Armenian, middle eastern, etc. etc. You however are not.

Obviously you're not since you just pointed out how the "Anglos" (Caucasian, Asians, blacks, etc.) allegedly took your land from your ascendants--BTW, your ancestors, were they Aztec or Spaniards?

So why don't you quit with the fake outrage over me and admit that you think you're being overrun.

I'm not being overrun, but it's still pretty fucking hard to get a job in the labor sector and my taxes (medical, property, car, school, etc.) are skyrocketing. My money is being contributed to the welfare of trespassers and its crippling my ability to finish my schooling and juggle three minimum wage jobs (I could just be working one higher paying labor job, but like I said, it's too difficult to get one). How exactly is it fair to people who are actual citizens when inflation is being exacerbated by millions of illegals or even an overdose of legal immigrants who're being let in too fast due to pressure from minority organizations?

Which is why i take the position i do. No one is being overrun. In fact my big problem with Latinos is that they're not branching out of So.Cal faster. The entire southwest is up for grabs and it's within the Democratic Party's reach if only more latinos spread out over Nevada, Arizona and the rest of the southwest.

That is not a call for "separatism" that is a call to participatory Democracy.

You're attributing an elitist attitude to your encouragement of people from certain ethnicities to vote against others. That's separatism.