Originally Posted By: 655321
oh i didn't realize you were against free markets and the right of business to hire whom they choose.

That's a rather asinine thing to say darling. America runs a free market in the pursuit of benefiting America's citizens. A business has the right to hire any American it wants, but hiring an illegal alien contradicts the stability of the economy--Especially when they send the money they earn outside of the country; money we'll never get back.

I don't see anything about laissez faire Capitalism that stipulates supporting the entire world. How can it serve the country if it doesn't implement the country's work force? For that matter, how can it survive without it when it implements a foreign work force?

I want a non-regulated free market that remains an asset to the country it operates within. Just because I think all these business laws are bullshit, that doesn't mean I want business to violate the federal ones. Hiring illegal aliens would make them accessories to illegal entry.