Originally Posted By: Pariah
America runs a free market
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: omg, if this is your idea of "free market", i'd hate to see what you feel is regulated.

A business has the right to hire any American it wants
gee, this freedom certainly has lots of stipulations.

but hiring an illegal alien contradicts the stability of the economy--Especially when they send the money they earn outside of the country; money we'll never get back.
oh, i see, you're a nationalist. only americans should have decent wages and jobs.

I don't see anything about laissez faire Capitalism that stipulates supporting the entire world.
weird, i didn't know that i suggested supporting the entire world. i just want ppl to hire whomever they want to work for them without govt intervention dictating who they can and cannot hire.

I want a non-regulated free market
so the complete opposite of what we currently have? non-regulated = hiring anyone you want.

Just because I think all these business laws are bullshit, that doesn't mean I want business to violate the federal ones.
umm, what happened to the to all the 'non-regulation' you were all gung ho for? so you want non-regulation but with some regulation.

State Is Murder.