Originally Posted By: 655321
\:lol\: \:lol\: \:lol\: omg, if this is your idea of "free market", i'd hate to see what you feel is regulated.

Now dear, I imagine that you're also confused on how this country can be a republic when it implements so much democracy from state to state.

But we are approaching a totally regulated market. That much is true.

gee, this freedom certainly has lots of stipulations.

I'm sorry honey, I didn't realize that affording citizens the ability to have job security was a stipulation. I always thought it was, you know, a given that a country would support its own inhabitants and put them first.

oh, i see, you're a nationalist. only americans should have decent wages and jobs.

Yes. I don't know why you find that so shocking darling. If you're in America and you want to contribute or take away from the economy respectively, you need to be a citizen. Just as if you were in Mexico and you want to contribute or take away from the economy respectively, you need to be a citizen. Just as if you were in Canada and you want to contribute or take away from the economy respectively, you need to be a citizen. Just as if you were in England and you want to contribute or take away from the economy respectively, you need to be a citizen. Getting the picture yet babe?

weird, i didn't know that i suggested supporting the entire world

oh, i see, you're a nationalist. only americans should have decent wages and jobs.

You seem to be against the idea that America constrict the amount of non-Americans working jobs that are based in the American economy sweetie. You don't seem to have a problem that anyone comes here illegally and takes the jobs here.

so the complete opposite of what we currently have? non-regulated = hiring anyone you want.

Sorry doll. You're wrong. Non-regulated = companies maintaining marketing policies that are not controlled by government charters and institutions.

But hey, I can totally appreciate (not really) how you ignored where I pointed out that the companies would be making themselves accessory to illegal entry. I guess that means you think "non-regulated" companies would be allowed to get away with murder, embezzlement, etc..

umm, what happened to the to all the 'non-regulation' you were all gung ho for? so you want non-regulation but with some regulation.

Over extrapolating the meaning of "non-regulated business" isn't going to help you win the argument sugar. It's not even satirically sound since every citizen of the united states has always been susceptible to prosecution for committing crimes that have nothing to do with the FTC.

The state still penalizes companies for infractions even if it doesn't go after them the for Anti-trust issues. Like for instance, the company was involved in money laundering. That's not an Anti-trust violation, but it is against the law for anyone to do.