Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: PJP
Oh and trying to lower expectations is fine......but I would like to know if you Ray and MEM will be upset if he lied about the 95% of Americans will get a tax break since that was the cornerstone of his campaign?(class warfare to get elected then bait and switch)

yes, and i would also be mad if he invaded mexico and destroyed the moon. let's let him do the wrong thing before condemning him for it.
this isn't minority report!
that's fine.....I pray that whoever wins has good karma and lots of luck......we need it. I actually also hope that whoever wins wins convincingly like Rob was saying......this way you can say it was a referendum. But I have a feeling this is going to be very close maybe a few days of tallying afterwards too and maybe I hope not a Republican challenge in Ohio if Obama wins because of the illegal votes in Ohio.