Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: PJP
 Originally Posted By: Friendly Neighborhood Ray-man
 Originally Posted By: PJP
yeah but he was telling everyone he was going to fix everything......the past few months. He lied about a lot of things. if he wins you will see him do many things that will make you shake his head.

no one could possible have seriously thought everything would magically change overnight. he's not saying he won't make change or fix things, he's being honest about it being a long and difficult task.
How come when Bush said things like that you wouldn't give him the benfit of the doubt?

because he told people to shop and cut taxes while fighting two costly wars. he was like the cool uncle who stuffs you with candy and junk food, obama has to be the mom who cleans up the vomit and diarrea.
When he said to us go out and shop.....he also said go out and do your normal business don't be afraid.....don't let the terrorists win.

People were scared. They needed to hear from our leader that it was ok to go outside and go back to "normal". He handled himslef brilliantly after 9/11 and I hope someday you realize that. I know the left hates him but that go outside and shop criticism is stupid and ignorant.