Check this out HR 808, the Department of Peace & Non-Violence, it was ab Obama supported Bill. It’s a new cabinet level the Democrats are proposing. I’m not kidding. This is going to be huge. And expensive. And oppressive. Take a look at some of the offices:

* Office of Peace Education and Training
* Office of Domestic Peace Activities
* Office of International Peace Activities
* Office of Technology for Peace
* Office of Arms Control and Disarmament
* Office of Peaceful Coexistence and Nonviolent Conflict Resolution
* Office of Human Rights and Economic Rights

I wonder if this Peace Education and training will involve 20 ft tall fences with barbed wire?

A little deeper reading reveals this little tidbit:

(6) create and establish a Peace Academy, which shall--

(A) be modeled after the military service academies;

(B) provide a 4-year course of instruction in peace education, after which graduates will be required to serve 5 years in public service in programs dedicated to domestic or international nonviolent conflict resolution; and