Originally Posted By: the G-man of Zur-En-Arrh
 Originally Posted By: BASAMS The Plumber
I know people from England that have told me personally how the free speech laws are bent depending on who is in charge of the country, if we are not allowed our constitutional right to free speech things could get really bad, really quick.

Years ago it was considered offensive for people to claim slaves were legitimate human beings, if offensive speech was squashed, we likely would have never got away from that oppressive chapter in American history.

Yes, and the gays here, like MEM and Ray, should remember how-until very recently-any discussion of their lifestyle or rights was quickly censored.

Isn't Ray straight, your not mixing your fantasy world with the real one are you?

As I've noted several times I'm not for censorship no matter if it's VP candidate Palin asking a librarian repeatedly if she would remove books for her or if it's progressives that want to reinstate the old fairness laws in the media.

I also am quite aware which party supports my rights. It's your party G-man that talks about changing the constitution against gays.

Fair play!