Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
By everyone, that would be the few people here.
Seeing as Bond movies were still pulling in big bucks, and most people did not like the casting of Craig prior to the first films release, I'd hazard a guess that not that many people were really that upset by the traditional Bondisms, in fact, I am sure the fact the franchise has been going since 1962, I'd say most people expect Bondisms.

Well, since Casino Royale was supposed to be an origin-ish story . . . there were not Bondisms yet.

How people expected them to be there when he's pretty much "still getting started" is beyond me. You don't develop quirks and habbits all at once. The general public just expects way too much when developing a character that's been around for so long.

So, it's their loss if they give up on it after just one film.


 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
The last Brosnan film was still a huge success, and many people wanted him to continue, unlike say George Clooney in the Bat franchise.

It would've been nice if he could've continued . . . I enjoyed his version of Bond when he wasn't being limited (like Moore was). You'd catch glimpses here and there in the last couple he did but it was feeling like he was slipping into Moore's version of Bond.

I'll admit, I was against Craig as the new Bond. Bond isn't blonde. But . . . when we finally rented it and saw it . . . I was convinced. Craig could/can be a good Bond and have me enjoy it.

As a side . . . this stupid title and the song . . . Gods how stupid.

Just my two cents.

Ahh man... - Bianca
Ahh woman... - Pat

Bianca & Patrick ~ September 30, 2006