Originally Posted By: Nowhereman
To be honest, I do think you have to be British to really understand what is wrong with the new Bond


 Originally Posted By: Nowhereman

The action and fight scenes were far too over the top for Bond as he was never a generic action hero, and ends up making him look like a Bruce Willis, Stallone, Schwarzeneger etc action hero.

i agree with this.

however, previous james bond films, at least for me, were overtly silly in an austin powers "judo chop" type sense.

i enjoyed casino royale because it was a more "realistic" type of film. to me, it sounds like you'd prefer the bond films to be less realistic -- which is fine, i wouldn't disparage that.

i though brosnan / goldeneye was awesome, but thought the subsequent bond films with pierce at the helm got more and more ridiculous in a 1960s notion. casino royale was refreshing in that it put who i envisioned as james bond in a (more) real scenario. ...though i'd totally buy if your argument was that this hurts bond, overall, and you'd prefer there were some "bondier" silly moments

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