For the record I am very proud that a black man is President of the USA. I think it's great that as a country we were able to do that. I also am sick of fighting so I am willing to give him a shot. He has already backed away from much of his socialistic ideas. He knows that if he taxed businesses the way he said he was going to do it would send us into a depression. He also won't do much with health care or any other program for at least 2 years. I could see Reid and Pelosi not getting along with him. I pray for him and our country and hope he does a good job. That is more than most dems could ever say in 2000 or 2004. Even now in victory most dems are too assholic to say one nice thing about Bush even though he is being super gracious to Obama and doesn't want him to go through what he did from the Clinton White House.