Originally Posted By: thedoctor
I think you guys are jumping down Steve's throat without paying attention to what he's saying. I actually agree with him. Sometimes you need to use the sword and hack something to shit, and sometimes you need to just use a scalpel and cut away the small, cancerous piece. Using infantry and air bombings was the best way to go in Afghanistan. Nuking them would have made us look like shit and prevented us from doing any further military work with other countries in the future. As much as we've borne the burden of Iraq, we had help from a handful of allies that would have shied away if we dropped the big bombs. We were on the right path and stopped short. I would have napalmed every mother fucking cave to drive Bin Laden and his goons out. We were having the same success that we're seeing in Iraq because many of the Afghans didn't like the oppressive taliban and remembered that we helped push back the Soviets. A nuke wouldn't have allowed that.

I'm not sure you paid attention to what I was saying. If we nuked we wouldn't need to work with other countries, state support of terrorist would have ended.

From WW2 till 9-11 no one fucked with our homeland because of the threat of overwhelming response. That's been taken off the table. We blinked.