Oprah Winfrey has slammed Sarah Palin after the failed Republican vice-presidential candidate snubbed offers to appear on the chat queen’s show.

While Palin did make an appearance on other US hosts Greta Van Susteren, Matt Lauer and Larry King’s shows to talked about her unsuccessful bid to reach the White House, but she ignored ‘The Oprah Show’ despite being invited.

And such mistreatment has left Oprah bitter and she has now claimed that the Alaskan governor will be desperate to talk to her when she releases her memoirs.

"I said I would be happy to talk to Sarah Palin when the election was over... I went and tried to talk to Sarah Palin and instead she talked to Greta. She talked to Matt. She talked to Larry. But she didn't talk to me. Maybe she'll talk to me now that she has a (multi-million dollar) book deal,” Contactmusic quoted Oprah as saying.

The US TV titan has been a committed supporter of US President-elect Barack Obama throughout his campaign for the White House.


I think it's awesome Palin wont giver her the time of day. Oprah has to live with the ratings slide she is in for ignoring Hilary and Palin during the campaigns and I'm glad Palin isn't helping her now that she needs the boost.