I only recently discovered that SEGA SATURN emulation on the PC has come a long way. There's no hardware acceleration enhancement yet so 3D games are going to look pixinilitated, but majority of the good games on the Saturn are 2D so there's no problem. Compatibility is good and I guess speed is also no longer a problem (I'm the guy with a PC that can't run The Sims 2 at decent speeds).

Some of the good games I found at snesorama.us:

1. Guardian Heroes - I have this one for the GBA but the gba version sucked balls due to the frequent slowdowns and small sprites. The Saturn version had no slowdowns at all, and the sprites are big and animate really well.

2. Firepro Wrestling: Six Man Tag - JLA might like this one. It's said to be the best version of the 2D Firepro series prior to the one on the Dreamcast. Personally, I like Firepro Wrestling G on the PSX simply because it had more characters that I can recognize.

3. Dragonball Z Legends - it's a crappy game on the PSX, but the Saturn version is LESS crappy. It had more colors and the animation is smoother.

4. CAPCOM's 2D fighters - I use MAME so the "arcade-perfect port" shit is pretty much lost on me (the music quality is better though, Satuan has CD quality audio while most of the CPS qsound games only produce 22050 khz stereo). Also, the VS series (Xmen VS SF to Marvel vs SF) are not crippled like they were in the PSX ports (PSX ports don't allow you to change between the two chosen characters in the middle of the round)

5. SONIC R - I don't know why people hated this game. It's a kart game with Sonic sprites and controls, but it's still a fun game. Nice colors and plenty of unlockables. My only complaint is that listening to the soundtrack made me grow a vagina.