Lake Dead was the most fucked up movie I ever saw. it's full of hot chicks, sex, rape, & incest! this old guy dies and leaves his motel to his 3 hot granddaughters. so they go on a trip to visit it with their hot girlfriend, 1 hot slut, 1 hot boyfriend and a fat cheating jock. the first chick to die is the bitchy granddaughter, who gets a pipe hammered through her ankles and thrown over a boat with a weight holding her down. then the cheating jock gets hung while the slut gets raped and her faced nailed to a tree. then some more raping and killing of the other chick (they do show everyone getting raped. so we know it happened). then you find out the sheriff and the old nasty motel keeper are mother and son and they basically lick each others faces for like 30 seconds. then you find out the freaky looking killers are their children. then you find out the sisters are the old womans granddaughters,and they were brought their to keep the family line going, but the bitchy one was adopted and that's why she wasn't raped. then the killers are going to rape the sisters! then the girls dad comes in and says "this is how you fuck family!" and blows everyone up with a shotgun, saving his daughters and the hot boyfriend.

Internet Friends:
Nowhereman: Says "cunt" a lot. Is also welsh or something.
Brian Jonopoulos: Greek. Fucks socks. Also jobless and lives at home.
Joe Mamma: Fat
Captain Sammitch: Fucks fat chicks
Stupid Doog: Married to a fat chick