Originally Posted By: K-nutreturns
"Yeah, I'm the one who had a hissy :106: Are you fucking blind? I said nothing "sexist". It's not sexist to scrutinize women you fucking idiots. Syd is a selfish and manipulative bitch who uses her sex to get her away and use men and she rationalizes this by putting her gender on a pedestal and demonizing ours. It's only a matter of time till she starts banging the pool boy. And guess what? You're falling for her act because you've gotten your mind into this position where I must be the one at fault cause I get into a lot of arguments and because Syd is charming. What am I suppose to say when you continue to misrepresent me, Grendel? This isn't subjective. Syd CLEARLY through a hissy fit. Clearly. But you simply refuse to say that for a funny line or whatever bullshit you're thinking.

I came back cause I didn't want to pull a JT and run away with my head up my ass but these last few weeks not coming here my life has been .2% less stressful not having to deal with this kind of idiocy. But at least I've givin this place more chances than JT ever did. The internet sucks anyway. It has a way of bringing out the worst in everyone, including myself.

On a final note I'm ACTUALLY gonna say something sexist...


classic wankie...

He'll probably come back later and blame that shit on a space bug.